10 November 2008

Throwing Up in My Mouth a Little Bit: A Start Up Story Begins

I decided to do a video post today because, frankly, I'm too excited to type. This blog is my thought space, and my current thoughts needed to be chattered. The good Juju I'm experiencing I believe to have been borne of the heavy influence of Jason Calacanis, Chris Brogan,and Jason Goldberg. They're chutzpa and know-how have become an inseperable resource of inspiration for me. (Thanks, guys!)

Once I've calmed down a bit and have gotten some sleep we'll unfold more specifically what we're up to. I will say this: Nico Martini is brilliant, we make an excellent team and I am monstrously thrilled to be jumping off this cliff with my super whip-smart friend/business partner.

Game on.

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